C2659 Auto Trouble Code

C2659 OBD2 specifically refers to the camshaft (cam) timing. In this case, if the cam timing is over-retarded, the engine light will be illluminated and the code will be set.

C2659 OBDII Repair :

The sensors receive a 5 volt reference signal from the PCM. As pressure readings change, the sensor varies the voltage and the computer reads that to determine input. In the case of a broken wire, the sensor never sees the voltage and the computer assumes a major fault. So if you get this C2659 code, first check to make sure you're getting a good 5 volt reference signal at the sensor.

The computer notices the canister is empty when it detects a leaner condition (all the vapors are used up) and it resumes normal fuel delivery. Some car manufacturers then close the vent solenoid but leave the purge solenoid open. That creates a vacuum throughout the entire fuel storage system. Once the correct vacuum is reached, it closed the purge solenoid and waits to see if the vacuum holds.

The crankshaft sensor signals the fuel injection computer or the ignition control when the cylinders are firing. This causes the ignition coil to provide a spark and the injector to inject fuel into each cylinder at the right time.If either sensor isn't working correctly, the car will run rough and the engine will be less efficient. In later car models, the car's computer can usually keep the vehicle running, but the engine warning light on the dashboard goes on to warn the driver.

C2659 Description For All Models :

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